lots of flavors, however long it takes me

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Red Velvet Cake

We all know how majorly cupcakes have blown up in the recent past and while I may consider myself ahead of the times in the food world on occasion, I'm by no means above the trend. Before I discovered the sno-cap at Magnolia, red velvet was my jam, so when I saw Ben & Jerry's made a red velvet cake flavor I was all over it. Okay, so maybe when my mom was food shopping I asked her to surprise me with a flavor, and maybe the whole point of this all is to try every flavor so I would have had to eat it at some point, but technicalities aside, I was definitely excited to try out a flavor based on my ex-fave cupcake. Convincing, I know.

The flavor looks like strawberry and whether it was my overactive mind dictating my taste buds or what (more than likely), the flavor tasted fruity to me though it contained absolutely no traces of fruit. The base is a red velvet cake batter ice cream, and there are chunks of cake and a cream cheese frosting swirl throughout. Though awkwardly fruity, the iden (what my baby self referred to ice cream as) was batter-y (a technical term) which I thoroughly enjoyed, and I'm continually impressed when chunks of cake retain their moistness (ew) amidst something frozen. I can't say I saw the frosting swirl, though I tasted just the slightest tang of cream cheese.

I liked the flavor overall, though it looked and semi-tasted like strawberry. Hey, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

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